Bee My Hive Inspector
Bee My Hive Inspector is an artificial intelligence based application that uses computer vision to aid beekeepers, irregardless of ability, in hive inspections and problem detection.

Testing: Bee My Hive Inspector
Download from play store:
1. Download TestFlight from store (Apple's Beta Testing Software)
2. Click
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The infographic below shows how the model detections differ from the detections expected.
This model is currently in beta version and can only get better from here!
Please send your beekeeping photos to us and help us make the model better for all beekeepers!
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Current Representation
This infographic gives an idea of the identifications the app can make and where Accessible Beekeeping needs more photos to make the app better.

See BMHI in Action

Bee My Hive Inspector
Bee My Hive Inspector

Larvae Detection

Queen Bee Detection

Capped Honey Detection